Almost every second person asks questions about losing weight quickly, even those who don't necessarily need it. There is a clear answer to the question of how to lose 5 kg in a week, and this is quite possible without diet or fasting. You just need to remember a few principles that can be applied to both adults who want to lose weight and teenagers.

Principles of rapid weight loss
It should be noted that the following rules to maintain good shape need to be followed not just for a week. This should become a life credo, according to which the question of what to do to lose 5 kg in a week no longer arises.
Principle 1: Water is the basis of life
People often don't pay attention to how much water they drink every day. However, water is the main factor for rapid weight loss of 5 kg in a week. It removes waste and toxins from the body that inhibit metabolism. Drinking plenty of water promotes intensive kidney function. When the kidneys are working, water does not accumulate in the body. But to dispel them, you need to drink 30 g of water per 1 kg of body weight every day. That is, if a person weighs 85 kg, he should drink 2. 5 liters of water per day. With a weight of 70 kg, that's 2. 1 liters of water, etc.
Water must be drunk 45 minutes beforehand. before meals and one hour after meals. If someone forgets to drink water during the day, you can set an alarm every hour so that you drink the required amount before 8 p. m. You should not drink it right after eating. The liquid dilutes the concentrated gastric juice and the food is not digested.
It should be noted that carbonated drinks, juices, coffee, tea, etc. are water and cannot replace the lack of fluid in the body. You need to drink purified bottled water; You can add a slice of lemon, cinnamon or ginger to a glass of water. These products also help remove excess fat from the body and help you quickly lose weight by 5 kg or more in a week.
Principle 2: Fast calories are the first enemy.
Products that contain quick calories include all McDonald's products, rolls, cakes, candy, cookies, chocolate bars, fast food, ice cream, sweet cheese, soda, fried foods, foods grilled in oil, and smoked foods. All these foods are quickly burned by the body, giving a person quick calories.
Excess sugar is converted into fat through the production of insulin on the sides and waist. Salty foods impair the removal of excess fluid from the body. In addition, these products increase blood cholesterol levels, the risk of gastritis, cardiovascular disease, obesity and much more.
If you want to have a snack at work or on the go, it is better to take with you foods containing fiber, for example rye bread, fresh or cooked vegetables (except potatoes), boiled eggs, dairy products, apples, hard cheese or natural yogurt. Some of them are sold ready-made in the store, which will instantly satisfy your hunger and help you lose 5 kg in a short time.

Principle 3: Eat little and often
You should definitely start your morning with breakfast. At breakfast the body gets all the calories it needs for the day. This principle states that you need to speed up your metabolism as much as possible. When someone tries to eat little, they put a strain on the body and the body, fearing hunger, begins to accumulate fats, which are necessary for survival in times of famine. Speeding up metabolism is a smart way to lose 5 kg in a week and convince the body that there is no danger of staying hungry and that there is no need to pile up extra calories.
However, this does not mean that you have to eat your fill. You should eat food in small portions from small dishes, but do this 5-6 times a day, without giving your stomach time to remain inactive for a long time.
Principle 4: Stop smoking and drinking alcohol
Everyone knows that alcoholic drinks contain more sugar than any cake. If you drink a glass of dry homemade wine 1-2 times a week, it will not cause much harm to the body. However, drinking a bottle of beer or a low-alcohol cocktail every day, not to mention stronger drinks, is the opposite of losing weight.
When smoking, tobacco smoke, tar, toxins and carbon monoxide put additional strain on the body. Trying to find substances useful for cleansing the body, the body will begin to accumulate them in the subcutaneous fatty tissue and it will no longer be possible to quickly lose 5 kg. If it is difficult for a person to quit smoking, switching to an electronic cigarette can significantly reduce the negative effects. In this case, not as many tars and toxins enter the bloodstream. Although vaping is not beneficial to your health, it is still less harmful.
Principle 5: Less stress
Stress cannot only be viewed as conflict at work and in private life. Stress on the body can include a lack of sleep, overeating, high alcohol consumption on vacation with subsequent withdrawal symptoms (hangovers), excessive mental and physical stress on the body, and constant worries about being overweight.
All these factors force the body to adapt to current conditions and use more reserves than in calm times. As a result, reserves quickly run out and the body begins to accumulate excess weight. You need to learn to calm down from shocks, sleep better, eat regularly, change your lifestyle, if possible, change a job that involves stress, walk in the fresh air more often and enjoy life.
Principle 6: Practice
To lose 5 kg in a week, you don't need to work out hard in the gym for 6 hours a day. It is enough to distribute physical activity throughout the week so that there are at least 4 hours of cardio training per week and physical exercise - from 3 hours per week. Cardio exercises include running, swimming, cycling, jumping rope and morning exercises.
Physical exercises can be done at home. It is enough to do 10 times of squats, push-ups on the floor or on a horizontal bar, pump up the abdominal muscles or exercise with dumbbells weighing 2-5 kg. It's not necessary to go to the gym and pump iron; all the necessary weight can be gained from your own body.

Effective diets for rapid weight loss
If you urgently need to lose 5 kg in a week at home, you should choose one of several effective diets that will help burn fat as quickly as possible. But you have to prepare for the fact that the food will be boring and monotonous. Patience and self-discipline are required here. It would be nice to make a schedule and post it on the fridge.
Diet 1: Kefir
The point of the diet is to replace most foods with kefir containing 1% fat. It contains biologically active bacteria that ensure a special function of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Day 1: 1 kg of citrus fruits or apples and 1. 5 liters of kefir.
- Day 2: 4 boiled or baked potatoes and 1 liter of kefir;
- Day 3: half a kilo of chicken and 1 liter of kefir;
- Day 4 (fasting): 1. 5-2 liters of water, 1 liter of kefir;
- Day 5: 1 kg of fresh apples, 1 liter of kefir;
- Day 6: 1 kg of fresh, boiled, baked or stewed vegetables, 1 liter of kefir.
- Day 7 (fasting): Repeat day 4.
Diet 2: Buckwheat
The buckwheat diet is an effective way to lose 5 kg in a week at home. Buckwheat contains a large amount of protein, iron, fiber and other minerals. You need to prepare it as follows: pour boiling water over a cup of buckwheat overnight, wrap it in a warm towel and take it in small portions six times a day the next day. Salt and sugar should not be added.
If you can't afford to eat buckwheat all week, you can dilute your diet with the following products:
- cooked beef;
- apples;
- kefir 1%;
- homemade cottage cheese;
- Vegetable salad.
Diet 3: Fruit and cottage cheese
There are several options for the cottage cheese diet: hard - eat only cottage cheese, designed for 3 days, gentle - cottage cheese with vegetables, designed for 14 days and a medium variant that will help you quickly lose weight by 5 kg. At home it is for oneweek laid out.
The daily intake of cottage cheese is 400 g. It is necessary to use real, homemade low-fat cottage cheese. It is necessary to add wheat bran to the dish, which is prepared by pouring boiling water over it. You can also add honey, nuts or fresh fruits to the cottage cheese. During the day, drink your diet with 1 liter of kefir or 1 liter of fermented baked milk. In this case, you need to drink 2-3 liters of purified water every day.

Exercises for rapid weight loss
People who cannot restrict their diet wonder how to lose 5 kg without dieting. As a rule, this applies to pregnant women suffering from various gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes, etc. , that is, to those who need to eat well without restrictions.
Abdominal exercise
Starting position: Lie on your back, fold your legs at the knees, clasp your hands behind your head.
Raise your head, shoulders and body as much as possible. Stay in the raised position for as long as possible (10-15 seconds on average). Return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.
Exercise for hips and buttocks
This exercise is best done in front of a mirror to check correct execution.
Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist.
Start squatting halfway until your femur is horizontal and your back is diagonal. As you squat, stretch your arms forward and your buttocks back. Stay in this position for a few seconds and then slowly return to the starting position. Do 2 sets of 10 reps.
Exercise for back and arms
Do a plank lying on your elbows. To do this, you need to lie on your stomach and lean on your bent elbows. Fist and elbow touch the ground. Raise your body and rest on your toes. The back and legs should remain in a diagonal position. Freeze in this position for 60 seconds. Relax for 15 seconds and repeat the exercise 3-4 times.
Tips from the fitness trainer on how to lose 5 kg quickly
Losing weight by 5 kg in a week is possible only if you have a strong desire and self-discipline. First you need to develop a proper diet plan and avoid alcohol, sugar, salty, smoked and fried foods, fast food, potatoes, rice and carbonated drinks. Start by consuming at least 2 liters of water per day and follow the tips below that will show you exactly how to speed up the process of losing 5 kg.

Remove all unhealthy foods from the refrigerator
Even if the diet and avoidance of harmful foods are planned for only a week, during this time it is still necessary to clean the refrigerator. On the second day, when the lipid level in the blood drops, all thoughts are only about food and you have to make enormous efforts not to collapse. And if you suddenly eat something forbidden, all efforts may fade away.
Bring variety to your everyday training routine
If you choose cardio exercises to lose 5 kg in a week, you need to alternate long-term cardio exercises with interval exercises. Long-term cardio exercise can help you burn more fat, while interval cardio can help you burn fat within a few hours of exercise. They must be alternated to improve the result. 1 day per week should be dedicated to strength training, either with dumbbells and barbells or with your own body weight.
Increase the load daily
When the body begins to get used to a certain physical effect, it begins to adapt and weight loss stops. Every day you need to increase the number of repetitions and approaches, thereby exceeding your previous results.
Add green tea to your diet
Green tea contains various microelements and antioxidants that can quickly restore damaged tissue in the body that can occur when losing weight. In addition, green tea quenches thirst well, and hot water briefly reduces the feeling of hunger.
Increase carbohydrates
Anyone who eats a carbohydrate-free diet runs the risk of the body producing its own carbohydrates to compensate. Two days a week it is necessary to increase the carbohydrate content in food so as not to cause a reverse reaction and to replenish it naturally.